They say the only constant is change and man, has so many things changed. Now, don't get me wrong - change is a necessary evil. God, would you really want the be the same person your were at age 10? 20?... I wouldn't. In just the last few years I've learned a lot about myself and the people around me and I'm thankful for the growth, but you know what I miss? 90s R&B!
Boyz II Men's "Motownphilly". Joe "All the Things (Your Man Won't Do)". SWV "Weak". Dru Hill "We're Not Making Love No More". Damn, that was good music. Everyone could groove to this music. Mariah, Shai, Tyrese, En Vouge - Instant classics. Automatic party music. Always set the tone and was always about love or rollin' with your friends... That's what we need more of. We, the World at large need more 90s R&B. The Moon Has Spoken.
- Moon